Sonoma Raceway

06/09/25 Mon

Sonoma Raceway

Event Info


Plus, we’ll get to pit on the track in Turn 11 again. This was super successful last year and everyone had a great time so big thanks to Sonoma Raceway for letting us do it again. Garages will not be available for this event.

We expect camping to be available Sunday night. More info soon.

This event starts 30 minutes earlier than usual and ends 30 minutes later than usual. Please plan accordingly.

We’ll run four bike groups today: A, B+, B-, C. Schedule for the day:

Please make sure you arrive early enough to unload, register, tech, and attend the rider meeting! 

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Riding Groups

Ticket Type Price Spaces
The fastest track day riders and racers.
Fast Intermediate
Faster intermediate riders.
Experienced track day riders.
Novice School
Newer Track Riders. For more info, check out our Novice School page.
Licensed AFM Racer
You must be CURRENTLY LICENSED with the AFM to sign up for this group. These are for Advanced spots. If you need a different group, email us. LIMITED TO FIRST 10 SIGNUPS! No additional discounts allowed.
RoadRider 2.0
Advanced Street Challenge (ASC) Level 2. For more info, see the RoadRider page.
Yamaha EF2000IS Generator Rental
You supply the gas and the cords.
If your group is sold out, sign up for the waitlist here. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PREFERRED GROUP IN THE COMMENTS! If you don't list a group, we'll need to move on to the next person on the list.

Important Stuff Right Here ↓↓↓

Please make sure you read and agree to our privacy, billing, minor and cancellation policies. Specifically, no cancellations, refunds, credits or transfers once we're within 14 days of an event.

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