If this is your first time on a track with your motorcycle, prepare yourself for an incredible experience. Coming to a track day is the perfect way to practice your skills and take you and your bike to the limit without the worries of normal street riding. It’s a racetrack, you and your motorcycle. If you’re thinking that track days are only for squids and racers, you should come out and see for yourself. The track riding community is a uniquely friendly one and we see people riding everything from the latest high power race bikes to cruisers and tourers, all practicing their skills in an environment that’s safer than the street.

Yes, you typically do need your own bike. Almost any bike will do: sport bikes, tourers, adventure bikes and even cruisers (cruisers that scrape hard parts at the slightest turn my not be a good choice). Some riders do rent bikes too, usually from Rumble Strip Rentals who come to some of our events. You can check with them directly here: https://rumblestriprentals.com/.

Want to come out and ride but you’ve never been on a track? No problem. Our Novice School, which we run at every event, is specifically tailored to riders with zero or only some track riding experience. Our instructors are available to assist with everything including bike setup, 1-on-1 instruction or even just an occasional tip. Even if you are a very experienced rider but you’re signing up for your very first track day, you must sign up for the Novice School. This ensures you start your track riding experience on the right foot.

Do you have your motorcycle license, but want a little more confidence on your own bike before hitting the road? Just getting back into motorcycling after taking some time off? Looking to check out what a track day is all about, but want to try it in an easy-paced and controlled environment to see if you’re ready? If this is you, come check out our unique program: RoadRider 2.0. This 1-day course includes the following exercises and activities:

  • Walking you through a quick bike inspection of your own bike
  • Working with you on some useful maneuvers like tight circles, collision avoidance and emergency braking
  • Focusing on correct vision techniques during all of the exercises
  • Giving you practical instruction on group riding where we use the track as a simulated 2-lane road
  • Working on more advanced skills such as cornering, street lines, and track lines

Both classroom time and practical experience where all exercises are done on your own bike. You’ll finish up your day with a controlled tour around the track on the racing line, giving you a taste of what it’s like to get out there on your own bike without the intimidation of having other riders speeding by. Courses will be held in conjunction with selected Z2 Track Days events and are usually limited to 8-10 participants per class. Cost is $150 per person for an entire day of training and fun. For more information contact: [email protected]

You and your bike will need to meet the requirements listed below. All bikes and rider equipment are required to pass a technical inspection before being allowed onto the track. If, for any reason, you fail the technical inspection the first time, you may work on your bike to remedy the problem and ask for another inspection when you’re ready. While we make every effort to be reasonable, we will not allow an unsafe bike or unprotected rider onto the track, nor will we refund your reservation fee if you can’t pass inspection. In short, it is up to you to make you and your bike safe!

These are the minimal preparations required (for RoadRider 2.0 click here):

Mirrors taped or (preferably) removed.
Brake lights and tail lights unplugged or fuses removed (i.e. they must not work). If you are unable to disconnect the brake and tail lights, they must be THOROUGHLY taped over. That is, NEVER visible even in the slightest, even when the brakes are activated.
Headlight may remain untaped and functional with the exception of glass headlights, which must be taped.
Tires must be in good condition with plenty of tread.
Only DOT pavement, street or road racing tires allowed (no dirt bike knobbies, for example).
The valve stems on your wheels (where the air goes into the tires) MUST have caps (preferably metal with integral rubber grommet).
Wheel weights taped.
Hand-control levers must have ball ends at least 1/2 inch in diameter or, minimally, the ends of your levers must not be sharp which can cause injury.
Fully operational front AND rear brakes.
Functional engine kill switch on handlebar.
Kickstand must be spring loaded or otherwise self-retaining — it must not “accidentally” come down. A functional kickstand kill switch is strongly preferred on bikes with a kickstand (that is, bike will not start with the kickstand down, or kills the engine when the bike is put into gear with the kickstand down).
We highly recommend replacing your green anti-freeze with plain water, water with Water Wetter, or Yamalube pre-diluted coolant. You can get Water Wetter at almost any motorcycle supply store. Engine Ice is a good alternative too. While we do strongly encourage you to make this change, it is not a requirement for attending a Z2 Track Day.

If you have any questions about bike preparation please do not hesitate to contact us.

You and your safety equipment will need to meet the requirements listed below. All bikes and rider equipment are required to pass a technical inspection before being allowed onto the track. While we make every effort to be reasonable, we will not allow an unsafe bike or unprotected rider onto the track. Nor will we refund your booking fees if you can’t pass inspection. In short, it is up to you to make sure you and your bike are safe.
All riders must have the following (for RoadRider 2.0, click here):

  • Undamaged full face helmet with visor.
  • 1 or 2 piece leather riding suit in excellent condition. If you have a two-piece leather suit, it MUST zip all the way around your waist if you ride in the Intermediate or Advanced group. If you ride in the Novice School, we STRONGLY recommend that it zip all the way around, but we’ll accept a partial zipper in the back of the suit. Your two piece suit MUST CONNECT IN ALL CASES. We will accept textile suits only in the Novice School (C group) and they must also connect at the waist. Note that reinforced “riding jeans” will not suffice.
  • Leather motorcycle gloves which must overlap arm of suit (gauntlet style).
  • Sturdy motorcycle or similar boots that must cover your ankle and preferably extend to mid-calf. Intermediate and Advanced riders must wear motorcycle specific boots.
  • Back protector either built into suit or separate.
  • Every rider must have full, comprehensive personal medical insurance (not just ER).
  • We also reserve the right to deny the use of any piece of equipment on track. Currently banned items include (but are not limited to): iPods or other music/content players, rider-to-rider communication systems, video capture devices, unless they are safely and securely mounted in a way that does not hinder rider movement.
Thanks to our great sponsor, Z2 Track Days now offers suits for rent. 
Our inventory is limited but we have new suits in these sizes:
Here’s a good sizing chart but remember, everyone is different.
We also have Suomy helmets, Racer Gloves, Sidi boots and even a back protector or two.
  • Suits: $60/day
  • Helmet: $25/day
  • Gloves: $10/day
  • Boots: $10/day (very limited selection)
  • Or rent a whole setup for $75/day

If you have any questions about required safety equipment or rentals, please contact us. If you definitely want to rent some gear, just email us with your size and your scheduled event and we’ll hold the equipment for you. Email us BEFORE you sign up for an event so we can make sure we have equipment for you. If you crash in our gear, you get to take it home at full retail/replacement cost.

We try to keep to the following procedure for our track days:

07:00 – Gates open

  • You will be asked to sign the track release. Please try to arrive at the track as close to 7:00 as you can.
  • Registration opens. Go to registration where you will receive your event paperwork and legal documents. You will also receive your tech slip.
  • Tech Inspections start. Take your bike and your tech slip (from registration) to Tech Inspection. If everything is OK the tech inspector will attach your group sticker to your bike.

    08:00 – Rider’s Meeting

    • The Rider’s Meeting is compulsory for all riders and will provide an update on track conditions, general rules, rules of the day, flags, entrances and exits. The first Novice School classroom is right after the Riders’ Meeting while the Advanced and Intermediate groups are on track. Further Novice School classroom sessions are held after on-track session.

    09:00 – First session on track

    • For the first hour only, Novice School is the first group out followed by Advanced and then Intermediate.

    10:00Standard group rotation

    • After the first hour, our standard rotation will be Advanced at the top of the hour, Intermediate at 20 minutes after the hour and Novice School at 40 minutes after the hour. Each on-track session will be 20 minutes long.

    12:00 – break for lunch

    16:40 – Last session on track

    • The track goes cold at 17:00. Sessions will continue to rotate through the day with the exception of 12:00 – 1:00 which will be lunchtime.

    We supply the following items at all our track days, for every rider:

    – Instructors. You can work with an instructor all day if you like, or maybe just get occasional tips. Your choice!
    – Tire service by CTRacing/Pirelli — you can buy, fit and balance tires right at the track.
    – Suspension setup. World-famous Catalyst Reaction Tuning can work with you to perform basic to advanced setup of your suspension. Parts and general mechanical services available as well.
    – Photos. Take your pictures home from the track or check ’em out later at GotBlueMilk.com. Dito does amazing work!
    – All our tracks have gas pumps.

    Here’s your checklist for what to bring with you:

    – Motorcycle and KEYS to your motorcycle. People can and DO forget their key. If you forget your keys we can sometimes get a locksmith out, but you’re not going to be on the track until at least 11am. So double check that you have the keys in your pocket as you drive away from your house!
    – Canopy or some form of shade. Most tracks have buildings and communal canopies but if you’d like to rest away from where all the action is, get some shade.
    – Chairs

    – Lunch (or, you can purchase your lunch from the track grill).
    – Toolbox. Common tools to perform minor work on your bike (for examaple, tools to remove your wheels if you’re planning on getting new tires at the track).
    – Spares kit (if you have one). There’s no feeling as bad as doing something minor like tipping your bike over in the pit and having that be the end of your day because you snap a lever and don’t have a spare.
    – Ramp(s) to load and unload your motorcycle (but there’ll be plenty there if you need to borrow one).
    – Tire pressure gauge.
    – An emergency contact sheet to leave in a highly visible location in your vehicle — just in case. This is especially vital if you’re coming by yourself.
    – Gas. Your motorcycle uses more gas than you think when you have the throttle wide open.
    – Helmet
    – Boots
    – Gloves
    – Leathers
    – Back protector. Easy to forget!
    – Ear plugs if you use them. We recommend that you do; wind noise causes permanent damage to your hearing and distracts you.
    – Miscellaneous spare fuses for your bike.
    – Zip ties.
    – Camera
    – Cash (for purchasing photos, food, etc)
    – When was the last time you lubed your chain?

    “Camping” refers to being able to spend the night inside the paddock the evening before your event. We provide paddock camping at nearly every regular event but check the individual event page on the schedule to be sure. In general, camping reservations are not required and there’s no charge to camp in the paddock the night before your event (requirements may vary for some special events so check the event page for more complete info). Tracks will usually allow entry starting at around 5:00pm but times could vary, especially if there’s a large event moving out on that day. We don’t have any control over that. Gates are open until midnight at Thunderhill and at least that late at Sonoma but we recommend arriving to the track by 10pm if you’re planning on camping. Thunderhill has a few power outlets throughout the paddock but Sonoma does not. Both tracks have bathrooms available but neither offer any water or sewer hookups for RVs. You should be completely self-contained.

    If you camp, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL. That means being quiet when you arrive and keeping quiet when it’s late in the evening. Also, please park your rigs perpendicular to the paddock, not parallel. If you take up excessive space, you may be asked to move. At Thunderhill, please never park your car or trailer under the large metal shade structures. Leave that space for people and bikes. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    We run rain or shine. So, regardless of how dire the weather report looks, you should plan on attending the event and having a great time. You may want to bring:

    • A rain suit to wear over your leathers
    • DOT or rain tires (we don’t recommend slicks in wet weather)
    • Extra dry clothes
    • Sunshiny attitude.

    If any extenuating circumstances require that we cancel the event, we’ll email you as quickly as we can.

    DON’T DO IT! Always ride within your abilities, let your tires get some heat in them and be courteous and safe with the other riders on track. If you do have an off-bike excursion, we will TRY to get you back out on track as quickly as possible but if there is any damage to your bike or your safety equipment – or if you are injured in any way – your day will be done.

    In short, YES! However, there are a few rules:

    1. You must be at least 13 for Thunderhill, 16 for Sonoma Raceway and 18 for WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. You MUST be PAST your birthday for these ages. “Only one week away” will NOT suffice!
    2. You must have BOTH parents sign our release/waiver and you MUST have at least one parent or legal guardian with you at the track. Download the waiver here.
    3. Your parent/guardian must be at the track with you all day.
    4. You must be an experienced and accomplished motorcyclist.

    2025 Season Passes – Coming soon!

    YES! We offer season passes and even custom packages. Prices are heavily discounted and spots are extremely limited.

    GO BIG! The Z2 Track Days Platinum Season Pass is awesome. Here’s what you get:
    • Ride in TWO GROUPS at every regular Z2 Track Day (some special events like Car/Bike, Laguna and Yamaha R/World events are not included in the season pass).
    • One time registration and tech for the year. No more standing in line. Just show up.
    • Sell up to 4 spots if you can’t attend (we’d MUCH rather you attend than sell!)
    • Got a friend who wants to try a track day? As a Platinum season pass holder, you get two free spots for brand new riders (Novice School only, has never done a Z2 track day, these spots are not for sale).
    Price for a 2025 Platinum Season Pass:  COMING SOON.
    Track Day Junkie.

    Super simple: one spot, one group, every regular Z2 event (Car/Bike, Laguna and Yamaha R/World not included). How great is that? You sign up once for all events with a special code and you go to registration and tech as usual. These spots are not transferable so you can’t sell these spots or share with anyone else and any unused spots will not carry over into next year.

    Here’s the great part: The Track Day Junkie package is just…COMING SOON.

    Tough to commit to an entire season all at once but you want to do multiple days? No problem. Send us an email and we’ll work out a custom deal for you.

    These passes will sell out! Email us for more information: [email protected]

    Absolutely. Z2 Track Days gift certificates are the greatest gifts in the history of gift giving! 

    Purchase a gift certificate in any amount and it’s good for any group at any Z2 Track Days event. Plus, they never expire. No more worrying what to get that special someone in your life. Shopping DONE!

    Purchase your gift certificates here.

    Questions? Please email:
     [email protected]

    Billing Policy:
    Credit cards are billed immediately when you make a reservation. Credit card transactions appear on your statement as “Zoom Zoom.” If you have an issue with a charge on your card please contact us immediately so we can resolve the issue quickly and easily. Personal checks are no longer accepted. We DO NOT accept payment of any kind on the day of the event. You must be fully paid up before you go to the track. In other words, we cannot hold a spot for you without receiving payment up front.

    Cancellation Policy:
    You may cancel your trackday reservation for any reason and at any time up until 14 days (two weeks) before your event. To cancel, just send us an email ([email protected]). As long as you email us at least 14 days before the event you wish to cancel, we can offer you two options:
    1. Refund your credit card minus a 4% cancellation fee per person per day. (4% fee applies starting 6/4/2024), or
    2. Give you a full credit for another Z2 event within the same calendar year. In other words, cancellation credits will not carry over to the next year’s schedule. Note that even if the entire event is cancelled for some other reason (out of your or our control), credit card refunds will incur a nominal fee of no more than 4%.
    If you just need to make a change to your riding group, send us an email and we’ll take care of it for you. If you need to change your day, you can email us for that too and we will gladly work to sort it out AS LONG AS THE EVENT YOU ARE CURRENTLY SIGNED UP FOR IS AT LEAST 14 DAYS AWAY (NOT 13 OR 12)!

    Once we are within 14 days of an event, there are no cancellations, credits or event transfers of any kind regardless of the reason. 14 days means we must hear from you by the same day of the week as your event. For example, if you want to cancel your Saturday event, we must hear from you by the Saturday two weeks before. Sunday is 13 days and that’s too late.

    This policy is non-negotiable so please don’t call or email us asking for an exception. Please make sure you are able to attend the event before you sign up. We understand that life can sometimes throw us curve balls that are out of our control. We totally get that. However, no matter how you slice it, we are still unable to give you a refund, give you a credit, or move your spot to another day if you can’t make an event that’s less than 14 days away. We wish we could but it’s just impossible to make an exception to this rule. For extra clarity, here are some common reasons people give us for wanting to cancel at the last minute:

    • Family emergency/death in the family.
    • Work schedule change/I couldn’t get the day off.
    • My bike was stolen last night.
    • I crashed my bike at a different track day.
    • Oops. I accidentally signed up for the wrong track day.
    • My parts weren’t delivered on time.
    • I injured myself while walking my dog.
    • I was in a car/motorcycle accident last night.
    • It’s going to be too hot for my personal comfort.
    • It’s going to be too cold or wet for my personal comfort.
    • My wife/husband won’t let me go.
    • My wife is having an emergency C-section.
    • I forgot I have to go to my sister-in-law’s wedding.
    • I’m too sick to ride.
    • I didn’t know I had to have health insurance.
    • I saw on the news it’s going to be smoky.
    • I missed my flight/my flight was cancelled.
    • I don’t want to catch COVID-19.
    • I have/was exposed to COVID-19.
    • I’m a Novice Rider but Novice was sold out so I signed up for Advanced.
    • I’m an Advanced rider but Advanced was sold out so I signed up for Novice.
    • “I know there are no exceptions but can you make an exception?”
    • “But I just missed it by one day.”
    • “Well, doesn’t hurt to ask, right?”

    These are just some of the reasons we get for wanting to cancel (they are all 100% real). While we agree that (some of) these may be valid reasons for missing a track day, we still can’t offer cancellations within 14 days of an event. Please don’t call or email us asking for an exception because we are unable to make any exceptions to this policy.

    If (and ONLY if) there are people on the waitlist for your group, we’ll move the next person in to your spot and send you a credit for a future event but we must hear from you at least 48 hours – by 8 a.m. – two days before the event. Please don’t expect that situation though. Unless the group you are signed up for shows “Sold Out,” we won’t have a waitlist for that group. For example, if your event was on Saturday, we’d need to hear from you no later than 8:00a.m. on Thursday. Even if there is a waitlist, we can’t cancel your spot if we hear from you less than 48 hours before your event.

    Once you buy a spot, you own it. If you can’t make the event, you can sell your spot privately, give it away or do anything you’d like with it. We just ask that if you do sell your spot, you send us a quick email with the purchaser’s info so we can update the paperwork. Note that for some special events (e.g. Yamaha Customer Events), you may not be allowed to sell your spot so please work hard to attend the event you signed up for. Also, if you purchased a discounted AFM spot and you want to sell to a person who isn’t licensed with the AFM, you’ll need to make up the extra $40. Send us an email for more info. Note that free spots and discounts (raffle, promotional, partner giveaways, RoadRider, etc.) have zero cash value and are not transferable. If you can’t attend an event that you won in a raffle or contest or received as part of a product promotion, you can not sell or give away your free spot or discount to someone else. Also, promotional passes have LIMITED options for changing dates. If a spot is pre-arranged for a specific date (e.g. Cycle Gear promotion), you may not be able to change the date of your designated event so please try to attend.

    Waitlist: If you add yourself to a waitlisted event, you are committing to attend that events so be prepared to ride. If a spot opens up for you, we will bill your card immediately and send you an email confirmation. Do not sign up for multiple waitlisted groups “just in case” because you will be charged for all spots and you will not be able to cancel if the event is less than 14 days away. Also, if you are an Advanced rider and the Advanced group is sold out, DO NOT sign up for the Novice School just because it has open spots! You know better than that. Same holds true if you’re a Novice or Intermediate rider. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE WRONG GROUP EVER. If your group is sold out, sign up for the waitlist ONLY. You will not receive a refund if you sign up for the wrong group when your regular group is sold out. Just to be clear, “Sold Out” means “no more room.”

    There are no refunds available for Season Passes, Ticket Packs or Gift Certificates. However, Platinum Season Passes do have limited transferability (Junkies do not). To request a cancellation more than 14 days in advance, or to change the details of a reservations please contact us at [email protected]

    Privacy Policy
    Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to https://z2trackdays.com and Zoom Zoom Events Corporation and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to Zoom Zoom Events Corporation include https//z2trackdays.com and Z2 Track Days. The Z2 Track Days website is a motorcycle events management and ecommerce site. By using the Z2 Track Days website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

    Collection of your Personal Information
    In order to better provide you with products and services offered on our Site, Z2 Track Days may collect personally identifiable information, such as your First and Last Name, 
    Mailing Address, E-mail Address and Phone Number.

    If you purchase Z2 Track Days’ products and services, we collect billing and credit card information. This information is used to complete the purchase transaction but WE DO NOT SAVE OR STORE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. Credit cards are processed through our merchant vendor, Authorize.net.

    We do not collect any personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. However, you may be required to provide certain personal information to us when you elect to use certain products or services available on the Site. These may include: (a) registering for an account on our Site; (b) entering a sweepstakes or contest sponsored by us or one of our partners; (c) signing up for special offers from selected third parties; (d) sending us an email message; (e) submitting your credit card or other payment information when ordering and purchasing products and services on our Site. To wit, we will use your information for, but not limited to, communicating with you in relation to services and/or products you have requested from us. We also may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.

    Use of your Personal Information
    Z2 Track Days collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you have requested. Z2 Track Days may also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from Z2 Track Days and its affiliates.

    Sharing Information with Third Parties
    Z2 Track Days does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. However, Z2 Track Days may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. Z2 Track Days may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Z2 Track Days, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

    Z2 Track Days may disclose your personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Z2 Track Days or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Z2 Track Days; and/or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Z2 Track Days, or the public.

    This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.

    Security of your Personal Information
    Z2 Track Days secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Z2 Track Days uses the following methods for this purpose: SSL Protocol.

    When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

    We strive to take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or alteration of your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations inherent to the Internet which are beyond our control; and (b) security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and us through this Site cannot be guaranteed.

    Children Under Thirteen
    Z2 Track Days does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen. If you are under the age of thirteen, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.

    E-mail Communications
    From time to time, Z2 Track Days may contact you via email for the purpose of providing announcements, promotional offers, alerts, confirmations, surveys, and/or other general communication. In order to improve our Services, we may receive a notification when you open an email from Z2 Track Days or click on a link therein. If you would like to stop receiving marketing or promotional communications via email from Z2 Track Days, you may opt out of such communications by clicking the unsubscribe link or by contacting us.

    External Data Storage Sites
    We may store your data on servers provided by third party hosting vendors with whom we have contracted.

    Changes to this Statement
    Z2 Track Days reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account, by placing a prominent notice on our site, and/or by updating any privacy information on this page. Your continued use of the Site and/or Services available through this Site after such modifications will constitute your: (a) acknowledgment of the modified Privacy Policy; and (b) agreement to abide and be bound by that Policy.

    Contact Information
    Z2 Track Days welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that Z2 Track Days has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Z2 Track Days at:

    Zoom Zoom Events Corporation
    4790 Caughlin Parkway #280
    Reno, Nevada 89519
    [email protected]

    Effective as of January 01, 2019